Linux - ベンチマークテスト(SuperPI編)!


CUIベースのLinuxで簡単なベンチマークテストを実行する方法です。 今回はよくある円周率を計算させて結果が出るまでの時間を計測する「SuperPI」というものを使用します。

詳細はこちら → 東京大学金田研究室



[root@hoge ~]# cd /home/hogehoge/work
[root@hoge work]# wget


[root@hoge work]# tar zxvf super_pi-jp.tar.gz



[root@hoge work]# ./super_pi
 Version 2.0 of the super_pi for Linux OS
 Fortran source program was translated into C program with version 19981204 of
 f2c, then generated C source program was optimized manually.
 pgcc 3.2-3 with compile option of "-fast -tp px -Mbuiltin -Minline=size:1000 -Mnoframe -Mnobounds -Mcache_align -Mdalign -Mnoreentrant" was used for the
 ------ Started super_pi run : 2010年 11月 7日 日曜日 17:06:56 JST
 Parameter(%i) to super_pi is missing. Parameter value ? 20 ← 2の20乗(つまり、1,048,576桁)
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       1.164 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       3.572 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       4.086 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       4.087 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       4.091 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       4.095 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       4.090 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       4.091 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       4.091 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       4.091 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       4.088 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       4.085 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       4.088 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       4.082 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       4.076 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       4.063 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       4.035 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       3.980 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       3.855 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       3.574 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=      80.612 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.404 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=      81.016(       2.134) Sec. ← 計算に要した時間
 ------ Ended super_pi run : 2010年 11月 7日 日曜日 17:08:28 JST



  • Atom230(1.60GHz)
  • メモリ1GB
  • OSはCentOS5.5で、各種サーバ(WWW、メール等)が稼動



  • PentiumM(1.73GHz)
  • メモリ1GB
  • OSはCentOS5.5で、各種サーバ(WWW、メール等)が稼動(上記とまったく同じ)
[root@hoge2 work]# ./super_pi
 Version 2.0 of the super_pi for Linux OS
 Fortran source program was translated into C program with version 19981204 of
 f2c, then generated C source program was optimized manually.
 pgcc 3.2-3 with compile option of "-fast -tp px -Mbuiltin -Minline=size:1000 -Mnoframe -Mnobounds -Mcache_align -Mdalign -Mnoreentrant" was used for the
 ------ Started super_pi run : 2010年 11月 7日 日曜日 17:08:34 JST
 Parameter(%i) to super_pi is missing. Parameter value ? 20 ← 2の20乗(つまり、1,048,576桁)
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       0.489 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       1.528 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       1.780 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       1.781 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       1.780 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       1.779 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       1.780 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       1.778 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       1.778 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       1.779 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       1.779 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       1.779 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       1.775 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       1.776 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       1.775 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       1.771 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       1.758 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       1.736 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       1.690 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       1.598 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=      35.057 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.222 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=      35.279(       1.144) Sec. ``← 計算に要した時間`
` ------ Ended super_pi run : 2010年 11月 7日 日曜日 17:09:11 JST


  • Core2Duo E8500(3.16GHz)上の仮想マシン(メモリ1GB)
  • OSはCentOS5.5で、各種サーバ(WWW、メール等)が稼動(上記2つとほぼ同じ)
[root@hoge3 super_pi]# ./super_pi
 Version 2.0 of the super_pi for Linux OS
 Fortran source program was translated into C program with version 19981204 of
 f2c, then generated C source program was optimized manually.
 pgcc 3.2-3 with compile option of "-fast -tp px -Mbuiltin -Minline=size:1000 -Mnoframe -Mnobounds -Mcache_align -Mdalign -Mnoreentrant" was used for the
 ------ Started super_pi run : 2010年 11月 7日 日曜日 17:51:15 JST
 Parameter(%i) to super_pi is missing. Parameter value ? 20 ← 2の20乗(つまり、1,048,576桁)
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       0.141 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       0.420 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       0.419 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       0.451 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       0.402 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       0.454 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       0.422 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       0.432 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       0.424 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       0.421 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       0.432 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       0.434 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       0.440 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       0.436 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       0.428 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       0.444 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       0.425 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       0.427 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       0.421 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       0.383 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=       8.586 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.088 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=       8.674(       0.413) Sec. ``← 計算に要した時間`
` ------ Ended super_pi run : 2010年 11月 7日 日曜日 17:51:30 JST




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